
Master obligation tracking.

Streamline procedure updates.

Fuel your business.

Master obligation tracking.

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Our product

Rools Scanner

As simple as searching.

We have been securing the most comprehensive and structured European regulatory sources. We guarantee our users curated and accessible financial knowledge.

Rools Scribe

Always one step ahead.

Swiftly pinpoint and rectify discrepancies and vulnerabilities in or even between your internal procedures to safeguard against regulation breach and financial penalties.

Our Promise

Propel your compliance teams
on autopilot.


Eliminate endless hours navigating the maze of regulatory compliance, speeding up your work and your impact on business.


Unify knowledge with instant access to the segregated information you need, ensuring security and ease of use.


Leverage smart analytics and human expertise to provide actionable insights for effective compliance decisions.

Our clients

From endless references to actionable insights. For everyone.

Our principles

Trust Nexus

At Rools, we are the pivotal bridge between regulation and operation, crafting a common ground where clarity reigns. We understand the intricacies of both realms and dedicate ourselves to mediating this crucial relationship with the utmost integrity. Our role as a trusted third party is to ensure that regulations are interpreted accurately and implemented effectively, fostering a symbiotic relationship that advances the entire financial industry.


Clients alongside

Clients alongside product

We place clients on equal footing with our product, believing that one drives the other forward in a harmonious cycle of progress. Our product evolves in a dynamic dialogue with the needs of our clients, ensuring that each innovation is a direct response to the challenges they face. This reciprocal relationship fuels our mission to deliver not just a tool, but a tailored solution that integrates seamlessly into the workflows of those we serve, fostering mutual growth and success.


Regulatory excellence

Our obsession goes beyond mere compliance. We strive for regulatory excellence—transforming compliance into a strategic asset that propels businesses forward. At Rools, we delve into the essence of regulations to uncover opportunities for efficiency and growth, ensuring that every compliance process is a step towards greater operational excellence.


Universal service

Diversity defines the financial sector, and our mission at Rools is to cater to its entire spectrum. We do not discriminate by company size or technical sophistication; instead, we pride ourselves on providing a platform that is as versatile as it is powerful. Whether serving a startup or a multinational corporation, Rools delivers compliance solutions that are accessible, scalable, and integral to every client's success.